пятница, 18 января 2019 г.

Good bye, Christmas days! Hello, the Theophany!🙏🎄🌟

Theophany (from Ancient Greek (ἡ) θεοφάνεια theophaneia, meaning "appearance of god") is the appearance of a deity to a human.
This term has been used to refer to appearances of the gods in the ancient Greek and Near Eastern religions. While the Iliad is the earliest source for descriptions of theophanies in the classical tradition/era (and they occur throughout Greek mythology), probably the earliest description of a theophany is in the Epic of Gilgamesh.
The term theophany has acquired a specific usage for Christians and Jews with respect to the Bible: It refers to the manifestation of the Abrahamic God to people; the sensible sign by which his presence is revealed. Only a small number of theophanies are found in the Hebrew Bible, also known as the Old Testament.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theophany
Day after day we are living through this life, marking and celebrating new dates and events.But as before people will be looking forward to the most significant and favourite holiday- Christmas. They will be waiting fo this magic time when wishes come true.Good-bye, Christmas! See you soon! 
Картинки по запросу крещение 2019

C-Celebration in the streets. Old year is coming to the end.
H-Have you ever had the feeling that everything is possible?
R- Really, we can believe in it at this magic New Year's night!
I-It may seem naive a little, but a lot of people wait for the New Year as a chance to begin a new life: to give up smoking, to lose weight, to find a good job and so on.In that case the New Year night fo them is not just a reason to have fun but moreover, the night of inspiration and of" course they hope to get some magic that night.
S-Something fabulous will happen.
T- Tonight's December thirty-first.
M - Maybe the next year will be even better, full of pleasure, joy and fun.
A-Although our mind understands that really nothing will change, but at the same time our own inner voice inspire us that everything will be fine.
S-So we must dream while we are still alive (because there is no life without dreams). An the New Yera is a good reason to make new wishes.
By Maret Khusainova (the third year student of the faculty of Oriental studies DSU)

пятница, 11 января 2019 г.

Международный творческий конкурс «Пусть слово доброе душу разбудит…»

Картинки по запросу Международный творческий конкурс «Пусть слово доброе душу разбудит…»         В   целях   выявления   и   поддержки   одаренных   детей в области литературного   творчества, создания благоприятных условий для развития и сохранения русского и родных языков, а также гармоничного развития национально-русского и русско-национального дву- и многоязычия в мире проводится следующий конкурс с 10 декабря 2018  по 15 февраля 2019 г. – заочный этап;11 апреля 2019 года – очный этап.

Конкурс творческих работ проходит с опорой на литературное наследие по одной из тем для любой возрастной категории участников, включая взрослых:

- Чтобы поверить в добро, надо начать делать его.
- Смысл жизни в служении людям…
- Любовь к родной стране без любви к природе невозможна.
- Семью определяет не кровное родство, семья — это те, о ком ты заботишься.
- Жизнь — это любовь… Любовь — это семья… Семья — это дети, они и есть самое главное в жизни…

Для участия в конкурсе возможно участие в нескольких номинациях.
К участию в Конкурсе приглашаются авторы от 7 до 25 лет.

History of International Thank-You Day

Картинки по запросу international thank you day 2019

International Thank-You Day is an annual celebration observed on January 11th of every year. Often we forget to tell a thank you as is taken for granted. It is essential to show the gratitude from the bottom of the heart to those who made your life better and happier. The good manners of a person will be shown in the sense of words he/she uses. Of course, some say a thank you out of duty and not from the heart. As to mark the importance of telling a thank you, International Thank-You Day has been established. With this celebration Day in the calendar, one can understand how much a thank you mean. Never hesitate to utter this simple words which give more of sense.The history, origin, and the founder of International Thank-You Day are unknown. There is no mention regarding the year since this day has been celebrated. There is a mention that this Day has been created by some greeting card companies to promote the sale of greeting cards. However, this seems to be less appealing. Whatever the reason be, saying a thank you needs to be celebrated. Not every one of us will think of the ones who put themselves directly or indirectly in working for us. Few acknowledge the work of others by saying a thank you. For others, it is a Day that reminds us to be grateful for those who do things for you.

II-ой Международный образовательный конкурс «Язык предков»

Международный проект – конкурс «Язык предков», который направлен на развитие и поддержку родных языков среди детей и молодежи.